We provide astro equipment, press below links to find what you need

 Updated on  28 Jan 2025


WandererAstro Field Rotators

ASI / ZWO cameras and accessories

Astrodon filters

Astronomik filters

Baader-Planetarium filters and telescope accessories

Borg Telescopes and accessories

Celestron Telescopes and mounts

Chroma filters

Daystar solar filters

Dew-Not dew shield heaters

IDAS filters

iOptron telescope mounts

Lens2scope eyepiece for camera lens

Pentax eyepieces

QHYCCD astro cameras

Robofocus focuser control

SBIG astro cameras

Simulation Curriculum telescope control

Software Bisque  telescope mounts

Starlight Xpress guide cameras

Starlight Instruments Feather Touch Focusers

Takahashi telescopes & mounts

Tele Vue barlow lens

Vixen telescope & accessories

Digital camera modification

Rainbow Astro mounts and other accessories

Pre-used items


** Need other items? Let us know and we can help order for you

** Accept bank wire, add 4.5% if by Paypal